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Diving deeper into the practices that you embodied as a Level 1 coach and developing your specialist knowledge and experience


The movements in Level 2 are much more advanced, so you’ll really need to have embodied the movement fundamentals you learnt in the NATLIFECOACH Level 1 certification. You will need a better awareness of your physicality and require more mobility and strength. 

As NATLIFEMOVE Level 2 coaches you will gain a more advanced coaching competency and knowledge to demonstrate and articulate the movement theory and techniques.  As a Level 2 coach, you will gain the skills to present, perform and coach the full repertoire of natural movements and modalities. You will gain the coaching skills to guide others to explore a dynamic range of functional, engaging and challenging movements - with the ultimate goal of enabling others to be more confident, become more capable, adaptable and resilient for the forever changing experience we call life.

Once certified, you will have the skills to teach the fully spectrum of NATLIFEMOVE techniques.  NATLIFECOACH intensive Level 2 certifications are divided into theory, practice and teaching and are conducted in both indoor and outdoor environments.

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The NATLIFEMOVE Level 2 Certification is an advanced intensive training program that builds on the principles and skills learned in the NATLIFEMOVE module of the NATLIFECOACH Level 1 Certification.

The movements in Level 2 are much more advanced, so you’ll really need to have embodied the movement fundamentals you learnt in the NATLIFECOACH Level 1 certification. You will need a better awareness of your physicality and require more mobility and strength. As NATLIFEMOVE level 2 coaches you will gain a more advanced coaching competency and knowledge to demonstrate and articulate the movement theory and techniques.

As a Level 2 coach, you will gain the skills to present, perform and coach the full repertoire of natural movements and mobility modalities. You will gain the coaching skills to guide others to explore a dynamic range of functional, engaging and challenging movements - with the ultimate goal of enabling others to be more confident, become more capable, adaptable and resilient for the forever changing experience we call life.

Once certified, you will have the skills to teach the fully spectrum of NATLIFEMOVE techniques. NATLIFECOACH intensive Level 2 certifications are divided into theory, practice and teaching and are conducted in both indoor and outdoor environments. In Level 2, you’ll learn how to effectively coach clients in movement and mobility, developing the skills necessary to lead group classes or one-on-one sessions.

In addition to being featured on the NATLIFECOACH website, any workshops or events you hold will be promoted and publicised across the NATLIFECOACH platform and both NATLIFECOACH and TheNaturalLifeStyList social media accounts.

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The NATLIFEIMMERSE Level 2 Certification is an advanced intensive training program that builds on the principles and skills learned in the NATLIFEIMMERSE module of the NATLIFECOACH Level 1 Certification.

The NATLIFEIMMERSE Level 2 intensive is a big step up from the NATLIFECOACH Level 1 Certification and is a mind, body and spirit experience like no other. This intensive will certainly have you leaning in and playing with the edges of discomfort. You will refine your facilitation skills to hold space and safely guide others through advanced breathing techniques, hot and cold therapy, extended and advanced cold exposure practices and deep sensory nature immersive experiences. The NATLIFEIMMERSE hot and cold contrast therapies and extended cold exposure modules will serve as a test as to how embodied you really are as a NATLIFECOACH.

The NATLIFEIMMERSE Level 2 intensive is designed to help you further embody your practice and gain the all-important skills to present, perform and coach safely, effectively and efficiently.

You will gain the coaching skills to guide others to explore a wide range of functional, engaging and challenging nature therapy practices - with the ultimate goal of enabling others to be more confident, become more capable, adaptable and resilient for the forever changing experience we call life.

All NATLIFECOACH intensive Level2 certifications are divided into theory, practice and teaching and are conducted in both indoor and outdoor environments. And once certified, you will have the skills to teach the full spectrum of NATLIFEIMMERSE techniques

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NATLIFEGROW Level 2, a transformative journey into the art of holding space and the power of ceremony, facilitated through a combination of recorded and live online sessions. 

Building upon the foundational teachings of Level 1, Level 2 offers a deep dive into the practices and principles that will elevate your NATLIFE coaching as a stonework coach and ceremonial guide.

Embrace the power of holding space. Become a coach and ceremony guide whose presence and application of effective tools creates profound lifestyle upgrades for your clients

Keys to Holding Space
Explore the essential elements of holding space that will evolve your coaching practice. Learn practical techniques and insights to create a nurturing and transformative environment for your clients.

Holding Space: Storywork coaching + identity work and goals
 Dive deeper into the core principles of language and storywork. Be able to take your clients through a metamorphosis by implementing the language tools shared in this section. We will be working on your stories too, so that you get clear on your goals and become a skilled and sought-after coach - leading the way and changing the game for those who are lucky enough to work with you. 

Personal Practice
Cultivate your own space-holding skills through personal practice and reflection - this will be unique to YOU. Deepen your understanding of the importance and embodiment of awareness, stillness, intention, and self-care. Use your practice as the well you draw up on when creating a supportive container for others.

Preparing to Hold Space: Your First or Next Event!

Outlineyour offerings Prepare for events and ceremonies. From setting intentions to supporting integration and completion, learn how to create a seamless and impactful experience for your participants.

Coaching and Space Holding Tools for 1-1 and Groups
Dive into advanced coaching techniques for space holding, including the importance of your way of being, the art of presence and listening, and tools for reflecting and relating. Explore how language and storytelling can be powerful tools for transformation and empowerment.

Be Yourself: A Tool for Radical Authenticity
Embrace radical authenticity as a foundational principle in your space-holding practice. Learn how to navigate triggers and challenges with grace and compassion, and cultivate an environment of trust and vulnerability.

Space Holding Toolkit for Transformational Workshops and Ceremonies

Prepare to Flow
Discover the essential elements of guiding transformational workshops and ceremonies, including creating a sacred circle, guiding meditation and breath work, and harnessing the power of your presence and voice.

Altar Creation A touch of ceremony to remind you of how we are interconnected. Altar creation is a sacred practice to honour and amplify the energy of your space. Learn how to infuse intention and symbolism into your altar to enhance the transformative experience for yourself and your clients.

Nature Based Ceremonies: Examples and Inspiration
Explore a variety of nature-based ceremonies, from ancestral healing rituals to seasonal and celestial celebrations. Integrate tools such as the Medicine Wheel, altar space creation, and cacao into your coaching practice to deepen the connection with yourself, your clients, and the natural world.

“I really enjoyed the Level 2 Grow training with Jeff. I’ve always admired his ability to create a beautiful atmosphere during ceremonies and his wonderful way with words. This training allowed me to dive deeper and provided me with a better understanding and framework for ceremony and communication coaching, along with the encouragement and support I needed to develop and embrace my own style as a space holder. Jeff always shows up with a contagious excitement and struck the perfect balance of making the experience relaxed and fun while delivering valuable and understandable content. Since completing the training, I have felt much more confident in holding ceremonies and facilitating groups so would definitely recommend to anyone who is looking to develop their offerings in these areas.
- Samphire Hayes, NLGROW Level 2

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More information

NATLIFECOACH Level 2 is either by invitation or requires that you have certified for NATLIFECOACH Level 1 and have had a minimum of 6 months following certification to truly embody the philosophy and practices.

In addition to being featured on the NATLIFECOACH website, any workshops or events you hold will be promoted and publicised across the NATLIFECOACH platform and on both NATLIFECOACH and TheNaturalLifeStylist social media accounts.

For more information please check out our FAQs page or contact

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