We have made it our mission to help others discover, uncover, rediscover internal fulfilment: awaken it, and tap into it as an infinite resource.
Authentic fulfilment really is to be found inside of each of us. We believe it exists at our core, as human beings. To access it, though, we need the right coaching to intervene at the right level to shed the layers of artifice we have built up under the illusion they are protecting us, making us who we are. We need to learn to live more naturally.
The NATLIFECOACH Certification provides you the coach with practices that are aligned with how it works in nature, for you to successfully integrate Nature into modern lifestyles so you and those that you coach can experience for yourselves the exultant joy and health that comes from reconnecting to a way of living that is more in sync with our human biology.
Via this approachable, unthreatening coaching practice you will gain the skill to help others reconnect to their inner, wild nature as a basis for determining what they really need for their wellbeing within their everyday environment, wherever and whatever their environment. You will gain the coaches eye to recognise what’s hindering your clients from being truly healthy and happy, and to help them change or remove those aspects that might be socially normal to us modern humans, but which might not actually be serving them well physically, socially or spiritually.
As well as gaining a deeper insight into becoming a NATLIFECOACH, you will learn how to create a business, career and a life you’d love to live through coaching the Natural Lifestyle Philosophy. But we’re not promising an easy ride. To be a certified NATLIFECOACH, is to be the change. You will need to become the practice.
To embody a way of living that creates greater health and wellbeing for future generations and for our planet, takes commitment.
Can you commit to be the change you want to see in the wellness industry?
If it’s a big fat yes, then through the NATLIFECOACH 4 day intensive process we’ll enable you to enable others to discover a way of life that, once experienced, they’ll never again want to lose and will also never have to re-learn.
Level One
The first step on your NATLIFECOACH journey, and introduction to the central modalities of the NatLife Philosophy
Level Two
Diving deeper into the practices that you embodied as a Level 1 coach and developing your specialist knowledge and experience