NATLIFECOACH LEVEL 1 is all about the fundamentals. We teach you about the Natural Lifestyle philosophy and how to unlock your innate abilities.
The NATLIFECOACH Level 1 Intensive is a truly life-changing experience where you will take a deep empowering dive into the principles and practices of the Natural Lifestyle Philosophy.
Whether you want to become a certified NATLIFECOACH to help others reconnect to a way of living that is more in sync with their human biology, or you want to refine your own human experience, reach your Human potential and learn to thrive not just survive – the NATLIFECOACH level 1 certification is your route to reconnecting yourself and other humans back to a more natural, healthy, thriving state.
If you are serious about living naturally - then this is for you!
Level 1 is all about the fundamental needs. We teach you about the Natural Lifestyle Philosophy and how to reconnect with nature and natural practices for personal and planetary health. Level 1 guides you to achieve the beginner level practices to begin your journey as a professional Natural Life-style Coach.
The NATLIFECOACH Certification includes science and theory of the three key pillars that underpin the natural lifestyle philosophy:
Physical Needs
Social Needs
Spiritual Needs
Physical Needs
Together we’ll Identify our physical needs and uncover the ways in which those needs are not currently met by our modern lifestyles. We look at how modern ‘wellness’ is failing us and examine the ancient wisdom of our bodies and how we can integrate that with NATLIFECOACH practices in order to live more naturally.
Social Needs
During the course we Identify our psycho-social needs and look at the ways in which we suffer when those needs go unmet. We delve into how our beliefs and behaviours are shaped by the people around us - our ‘tribes of influence’ - friends, family, community; our environment and who we share it with.
Spiritual Needs
As part of the training we identify our spiritual needs and the fundamental elements of a purposeful life by applying the ‘5W’ principles - who, why, what, where and when. We find ways to nurture better connections to self, others and the earth. And you’ll learn how to ‘hold space’ and craft ceremony - helping others find inner peace and focus through ancestral practices, language and techniques.
Each of the three key pillars will be taught through theory and easily accessible practical exercises, activities, and techniques. And you’ll learn NATLIFECOACH “how to” foundational steps and tips to introduce a more natural way of living into your clients’ existing lifestyles.