As humans alive today, ‘wellness’ has become one of our central preoccupations.
In search of an answer for our individual and societal ills we look to the self-styled experts and gurus of Instagram and TV - we follow the tide of the Tik Tok trend.
Instead of arriving at a place of health and happiness, we’re suffering with more sickness, more obesity, more anxiety and more sadness…
Meanwhile the global wellness industry is booming, with a growing mega-worth of over 1.2 trillion dollars.

We believe we’re buying into solutions to our suffering, so why are we seeing overall health data that conflicts with this?
Obesity has nearly tripled worldwide since 1975 and now kills more people than hunger
Suicide remains the most common cause of death among men under 50 in the UK
280 million people of all ages suffer from depression, globally
40% of disability worldwide is now attributed to depression and anxiety
There’s a gaping chasm between our understanding of - and desire for - wellness, and our ability to actually achieve total, maintainable health of our bodies, minds and spirits.
At NATLIFECOACH we believe we can choose to reset and reconnect to our natural needs, to learn how to nourish our extraordinary human potential. As innately wild, connected and empowered beings, we have everything inside ourselves to be the change.
YOU could be a fundamental part of that shift, from the ground up - quite literally.

The NATLIFECOACH Certification is your route to rewilding yourself and helping other humans find their way to a healthy, natural state. Authentic fulfilment really is to be found inside each of us. To access it we need the right coaching at the right level. At NATLIFECOACH we have made it our mission to help others unearth and understand inner knowing, awaken it and tap into it as an infinite resource.
Together, we can close the gap between wellness as an industry and wellness as a way of being.
The NATLIFECOACH Certification is a training programme that equips you with coaching practices that are aligned with nature, enabling you to successfully integrate natural practices into modern lifestyles. Reconnecting to a way of living that is more aligned with our human biology will enable you to experience the deep joy and health, thriving, contentment, synchronicity that comes from this work.
This approachable coaching practice will equip you with the skills to help others reconnect to their inner wild nature.
You will guide them in using those discoveries as a basis for determining what they really need for their own wellbeing day to day - whatever and wherever their environment
You will learn to develop a ‘coach’s eye’, recognising what might be hindering your clients - holding them back from being truly healthy and happy
You will work with them to signpost the thinking and behaviours that have to be let go of in order to find the physical, social and spiritual tools they need to thrive
As part of the NATLIFECOACH experience, you will learn how to create a business, career and life that you love, aligned with the natural lifestyle philosophy. Being part of a movement that creates and supports greater health and wellbeing for future generations and our planet is a noble quest, but one with many challenges. You will need to come to this work with commitment and a willingness to live these practices daily.
To see the change, we need to be the change.
Can you commit to the call to help us collectively make the shift from wellness as an industry to wellness as a way of being?
If it’s a big fat ‘yes!’, then through the NATLIFECOACH 4 day intensive process we’ll show you how to enable others to discover a way of life that, once experienced, they’ll never turn away from and will never have to re-learn.
The first step on your NATLIFECOACH journey, and introduction to the central pillars of the NatLife Philosophy
Diving deeper into the practices that you encountered as a Level 1 coach and developing your specialist knowledge and experience